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Hollis, NH – Kitchen Remodel – Big Improvement in the Same Space

Friday, 3 Sep, 2010, 3:01 AM

Kitchen Remodel in Hollis NH great use of space, Huge Improvement

Before The Kitchen RemodelGamari before 1 final

  • Outdated, broken cabinets
  • Sink facing a window, limiting work space and making it difficult to entertain or cook in
  • Countertop peninsula and hanging wall cabinets separated eating space from “kitchen”, madding the kitchen cramped and dark, while also blocking the view of the fireplace
  • One light for the whole kitchen – kitchen was dark
  • Range is too close to the refrigerator, leaving no usable counter space

After The Kitchen RemodelGamari after 1 finalweb

  • Relocated the sink to the island, where it is easy to have guests interacting with the cook, but not under foot
  • Installed raised base cabinets on back of island to hide the sink from the dining room
  • Cooktop was moved to allow nice counter space on both sides, and to created a great focal point in the room
  • An appliance garage was added to hide away countertop appliances
  • Fireplace is now a focal point, and viewable from     anywhere in the kitchen

In summary – By making better use of the entire available space, this little kitchen expanded into a fantastic kitchen which became the center of the home.
gamari before 3 finalGamari after 3 finalweb

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